Friday 12 December 2008

Latest Global Reef Report

One of the biggest decisions when planning a dive holiday is where to go and then who to choose. Choosing your vacation spot should take into account your impact on the reefs you will visit and enjoy. The latest global report "Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2008" by Clive Wilkinson details the effect of management practices in different areas of the world and damages sustained of the last four years since the last report. This report should assist in your decision.
Page 11 of the report show the general health of reefs by regions in table form.
Page 18 shows the ongoing monitoring level per region.

In Australia, the report clearly shows the work between the various bodies, such as GBRMPA, Dive and Charter Operators, the Fishing Community as well as the general local community, is showing real results and will continue to improve the health and the condition of the Great Barrier Reef. Below is and extract from the report and I urge further governments around the world to adopt the model used here in Australia to avoid more reefs being categorised as lost.

"Reefs of Australia continue to be well managed and relatively stable with no major climate change or cyclone events damaging the reefs since 2004. Management continues to set the benchmark for best practice, both in Eastern Australia on the Great Barrier Reef and, more recently, off Western Australia. Particular features are the effective partnerships between coral reef science and management. The situation is the reverse in Papua New Guinea with inadequate coral reef conservation and monitoring, with most of this being performed via large NGOs working with local communities. PNG still has vast areas of healthy and biodiversity-rich coral reefs but human pressures, both from within and externally, are increasing."

Thursday 4 December 2008

Global Warming and the Great Barrier Reef has reported the first species to become extinct because of global warming it is the White Possum, native of North Queensland's Daintree Rainforest. The Daintree Rainforest is adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef so let's hope this is not an ominous sign of things to come. Greenhouse gases hit record highs in 2007 according to the World Meteorological Association.
These World Heritage Parks both the Great Barrier Reef and the Wet Tropical Rainforest are preserves that have been set aside for future generations of global citizens to enjoy.
So it is important YOU take the time to do some little things that will cut down on emissions and limit your use of fossil fuels. Here are some easy things to do that benefit both you and the planet as a whole.

1. Walk or ride a bicycle to the local shops instead of driving.
2. When choosing a car, buy a car suitable for your everyday use, if you need a bigger car occasionally rent one. It'll save you money everyday as well as on insurance and repairs.
3. Replace incandescent bulbs with fluorescent or LED bulbs. I know ladies they show complexion issues but vanity is a small price to pay.
4. Don't run the hot water for a minute to rinse something, most of the hot water is wasted in the pipes and the hot water heater needs to heat that water again.
5. Keep Air-conditioning and Heaters on only for the extremes and set the temperatures at a reasonable level.
6. Reuse and recycle plastics whenever possible especially water bottles. It is incredible to me that people pay more for water in a plastic bottle then they do for soft drinks and other processed products in the same bottle.

More information can be found on the AIMS website also as detailed in our previous post.
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) has published a number of publications providing information on the effect of Global Warming on the Great Barrier Reef. They can be found on their website.

Thursday 20 November 2008

Reefcheck Australia's First Annual Report

An Extract from The Latest Reefcheck Update


We are very excited to present our first ever Annual Report which showcases all of Reef Check Australia’s amazing achievements over the last year. These were all accomplished on a very small budget and would not have been possible without the support of all our members and supporters. Thank you!


If you are looking for ways to get involved and support Reef Check Australia please go to

Monday 17 November 2008

Latest Customer Satisfaction Scores

A big thanks goes out to our crew and guests as we have just received our latest passenger customer satisfaction survey results. Below is a summary of the main points of the surveys.

Satisfaction score: 9.10 / 10
Reef met expectations: 85.7% very much
Trip met expectations: 85.7% very much
Received value for money: 100% yes
Would recommend the trip: 95.2% yes

This research is independently conducted by James Cook University by Bruce Prideaux and Ali Coghlan and the full body of work can be found on the MTSRF website. Once again thanks to our great staff and the research team at JCU for their hard work.

Saturday 15 November 2008

Discount Flights to Cairns

Jetstar has got some more deals to Cairns on sale for the next few days. For full details please check their website. With the fantastic weather we have been enjoying it is a great time to take a break and enjoy the beautiful tropics and Great Barrier Reef.
Brisbane - Cairns $79
Melbourne (Tullamarine) - Cairns $129
Perth - Cairns (1st flight 06feb09) $149
Sydney - Cairns $109

Saturday 1 November 2008

More Great Guest Photos

Today we were joined by the Dartois family from Grosbois en Montagne, France. Jean-Paul took these great photos of the reef, fish and his children enjoying the warm waters of the Great Barrier Reef.

A Taste of Australia

Of course every trip to a different country must include trying the local food. Here our guests and honeymooners Laurianne and Alexandre sample Vegemite sandwiches and sausage rolls on-board Santa Maria.

Thursday 23 October 2008

Climate Change & The Effect on the Great Barrier Reef

One of the most common questions we get asked on our tours is "How is Climate Change Affecting the Great Barrier Reef?" The answer is simple there are quite dire consequences to the reef if global warming is not addressed, below is an extract from the AIMS website.
"Global climate change is one of the greatest threats to the long term future of coral reefs. In combination with other natural and human-induced pressures, warming seas pose a serious risk to the world’s coral reef ecosystems. Summer sea temperature increases of just 2-3°C for a week or two, or 1-2°C for a month or two, are enough to kill sensitive corals. Australia’s tropical marine ecosystems are already reflecting the consequences of global warming with a 0.4°C rise in the tropical ocean temperatures, including the Great Barrier Reef, over the past 100 years. Further increases in sea temperature will lead to increased coral bleaching and more frequent outbreaks of coral disease"
For the full article click here.

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Discount Airfares from Germany to Cairns

Qantas has just released it's latest round of discount airfares to Cairns. This time from Germany and it covers most major cities so there is no excuse not to head down under and enjoy the best diving and snorkelling in the world.

Frankfurt to Cairns return from €1037
Hamburg to Cairns return from €1123
Berlin to Cairns return from €1131
Dusseldorf to Cairns return from €1131
Munich to Cairns return from €1131

The deals are available for departures from 13 April to 18 June 2009 and can be booked online. To book your scuba diving and snorkel trip click here.

Travellers Tips and FAQ for Cairns and the Reef

Being a North Queensland local, many of my friends and guests have suggested that we write up a quick list of travel tips for visitors to Cairns. I will start this and continue to add to it as we get different questions and suggestions. So send in your questions and I will endeavour to answer them and post them here. The most common question is how far should I book ahead? Well as we only take 10 people per dive and snorkel trip it is best to plan ahead as much as you can. Our trips often sell out 4-6 months in advance so booking well in advance makes sure you secure your spot.

1. How easy is it to get around Cairns? How do I get from my hotel?
Many hotels offer a shuttle service if they are not in the centre of the city. If the hotel is not in the centre of the city it is best to check with the hotel and check the quoted walking time against a map. Whereis offers a pretty reliable map service for Cairns. Taxis are a pretty reliable means of travel and there is a fairly extensive bus service also available.
2. What shops are open and when?
Most businesses in Cairns open at 8 or 9 a.m. close at 5 or 6 p.m. Some supermarkets stay open until 9 p.m. during the week however close at the earlier times on the weekend. There are some smaller markets such as IGA that have much more extended hours.
3. What Medical Clinics and Services are Available?
There are two hospitals in Cairns both a public and private one. There are also 24 hr and other clinics available. The closest 24hr hour medical centre is on the corner of Grafton and Florence St. It also has a 24hr pharmacy and chemist as well as doing dive medicals for certification.
4. Can I see as much just snorkelling on the reef as diving?
While you can see a lot snorkelling and it is truly a fantastic experience the diving just raise the bar to another level completely. The interaction and personal experience with the natural reef and wildlife is a fantastic experience.
5. What is an Introductory Dive?
An "Introductory Dive" or "Resort Dive" is basically an escorted dive with a fully trained dive instructor. Limitations for your safety are placed on the dive and it is a great way to experience the thrill of diving just to try it or before you commit to a course. A short briefing is given to explain the basics of diving and the instructor will be with you at all times during the dive. We limit the amount of introductory divers to two people per instructor, other companies may do more and you should check before booking.
6. Is there any prior experience needed and do I need to take a medical exam?
No experience is needed to go on an introductory dive, however you must be relatively healthy and complete a medical declaration which can be found here.
7. What is the best time to visit the reef?
Anytime that you can fit into your schedule is the best. There are certain times that are a little bit more special such as whale season or reef spawning to name a few. Unlike many parts of the world the rain here is warm and often monsoonal meaning it only rains for periods of the day. Rain falling onshore does not mean it is raining at the reef, the outer reef is about 50km out of Cairns so the weather is different.
8. It has been awhile since I have dived and would not feel comfortable diving without a guide. Is this possible?
Of course, safety in the Queensland Diving Industry is the among the best in the world and paying personal attention to guests that require it is both a safety consideration as well as a service we are pleased to offer to anyone.
9. Can you still dive and snorkel during stinger season?
Yes, most operators offer protective wetsuits or stinger suits to offer protection. We include this in the price however many operators will charge extra for this so again check before you book.
10. How Do I Know What Tour to Book?
Look for the sort of tour that suits you, set some criteria that you want to stick by and do not be swayed from it. Ask the agent if they have been on the trip or if they are getting cash or other "incentives" to sell the trip. The better trips will not offer such "incentives". Ask if the companies are community and environmentally minded, our list of supported projects and charities has some but of course not all in the area.
11. Are your tours suitable for children?
We recommend that children are older then 5 to come on our sailing boats for both safety and to make sure they get the full enjoyment out of the trip to the reef. If the family is experienced on the water and boating we may consider younger children. For other children there are pontoon options available such Reef Magic, a locally owned and operated company.
12 . Where Do Your Guests Come From?
Everywhere - More specific details can be found here.
13. What does the UV Index mean?
We have included the international UV index and ways to avoid sunburn here at this blog entry.

Tuesday 21 October 2008

More Flight Specials from Qantas

Qantas keep releasing specials that are making it cheaper to vacation in Australia then it has been for a while. These specials are from the USA as other countries are published I will endeavour to keep this page updated.

Fly to Australia from $380* each way based on round trip travel ($760*R/T). This offer is valid for flights departing between 24 October and 17 November or in May 2009.
An incredible deal like this won't last long and it expires at midnight Pacific Time (PT) on Friday, 31 October 2008. Don't wait, book today:
All prices are quoted in US Dollars (USD).
Los Angeles to Cairns round trip from $860* Book Now
San Francisco to Cairns round trip from $860* Book Now
New York (Newark) to Cairns round trip from $1160* Book Now
View all specials at the Qantas Website.

If anyone has other airlines specials to Cairns please let us know.
Don't forget to book your unforgettable sail, snorkel & dive trip to the Great Barrier Reef here and take advantage of these specials.

Saturday 4 October 2008

Flight Specials to Cairns Oct/Nov

Qantas has released some more specials for travel for departures between 20 October and 27 November 2008. The Australia fare sale expires on 17 October 2008.
Listed below are some highlights but you need to check with the airline for full details.
From New York - $1281
From London - £842
From Frankfurt - €1123
From Paris - €1255
From Madrid/Barcelona - €1427
From Geneva - 2131
From Vienna - €1514
From Amsterdam - €1359
From Vancouver - $1178
With these sorts of prices why wouldn't you take a trip to experience the Natural Wonder of the Great Barrier Reef. Don't forget to book your trip with us as availability is becoming scarce for these dates.

Tuesday 30 September 2008

The Maori Wrasse - Species of the Reef

The Humphead, Maori or Napoleon wrasse, is widely distributed across the reefs of the Indo-Pacific and a favourite of our guests. A big fish with a bigger personality, the Maori Wrasse as it is more commonly know here is Australia is an endangered species and is now protected. It has two complimentary traits that do not combine well for survival, it is a very friendly and personable fish and it is a good tasting fish. This species is a very important part of the ecology of the reef as it is one of the few fish that eats sea hares, boxfish or the crown of thorns starfish.
With the current protection offered on the Great Barrier Reef we are starting to see the numbers of this fish increase. They are regulars at our dive sites at almost every reef now.
This first photo is taken at Thetford Reef by myself and the second was taken by one of our honeymooning guests Olga at the Pinnacles at Milln Reef.

Thursday 25 September 2008

Fantastic Sunrises Across the Reef

For those of us who like to get up first thing in the morning you get to witness some amazing sunrises over the Great Barrier Reef. For those of you who would rather sleep in that is no problem either and I have taken this photo so you too can enjoy the wondrous sunrises.

International Year of the Reef Song

With the International Year of the Reef well on it's way there are a number of activities and competitions to get involved with and show your support. The latest is the International Year of the Reef Song competition.

Help save reefs and share your creativity and culture with others by creating a video using the Year of the Reef Song. Reef Check Foundation (International) is running this contest with the goal of getting young people to learn more about the marine environment. In addition to having a lot of fun, you could win great prizes!

About This Contest: Three cash prizes will be awarded to the best group performances of the IYOR Song to help finance events or activities with an educational focus on the marine environment, such as a visit to a local aquarium, trip to the beach, acquisition of marine educational materials, etc.

This is an International Contest, free to enter, and groups from every part of the world are encouraged to participate. Participants must be part of a group (e.g. school, club, religious group, etc.). We will be looking for creative, original videos that reflect your culture and celebrate ocean conservation; technical video quality will not be judged.

Please see the Reef Check website and the attached for more information:

Saturday 20 September 2008

Did I Mention Amazing Sunsets?

Here are just are few of the scenic sunsets we get to enjoy on a regular basis. This is the precursor to the wonderful blanket of stars that we get to view without the interuption of city lights.

Dive Instructors Working Hard

I keep telling our dive instructors that they have the best job in the world and of course they keep talling me that they bust their butts everyday. Imagine my embarrassment when one them called me over to show me they actually do bust their butts. Everyday I am still not sure about but occassionally they do and we now have the photos to prove it.

Tuesday 16 September 2008

New Job Board

Everyone in the industry as well as ourselves are always looking for enthusiastic people to come and join us in one of the greatest job in the world. To his end I have created a blog to post jobs from the industry in Cairns and for you to enquire about. If you are interested in a job in Cairns checkout our job postings and even if there isn't anything there for you right now send your resume in something may come up shortly.

Monday 8 September 2008

Moore Reef - Surrounds - Our Dive Sites

Surrounds on Moore Reef offers a great insight into the resilience of mother nature and the life cycle of the fragile ecosystems that make up the Great Barrier Reef. Moore Reef suffered from a large outbreak of the Crown of Thorns starfish early this decade. In the time since a great diversity of coral and fish have returned and started to repopulate the site. Some great fans and swim throughs make this a very educational and fun dive.

Sunday 7 September 2008

Flynn Reef - Links - Our Dive Sites

The Links at Flynn reef offers great corals gardens and canyons to glide over as you snorkel or immerse yourself in when you scuba dive. A smaller reef on the outer edge of the Great Barrier Reef the visibility is normally superb. Many blue spotted stingrays and species of smaller sharks can be found along the reef edge. The many isolated bommies and scattered reef behind the main body of reef provide great opportunities to explore and provide a unique experience.

Saturday 6 September 2008

Thetford Reef - Mystery - Our Dive Sites

Mystery is known as one of the best dives on the Great Barrier Reef due to the great diversity of marine life and corals. Huge Giant Clams with spectacular colours adorn the site as well as several giant fans. Formed by several bommies joining together the remaining crevasses enable the snorkeller to view many deeper fish such as Coral Trout and several cod species.
New Horizon monitors this site in partnership with the Eye on the Reef program run by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Monitoring visibility, temperature, species of fish, and the coral on a regular basis across the marine park gives a better picture on the health and life cycle of the ecosystems that make up the World Heritage Listed Great Barrier Reef.

Thetford Reef - 360 - Our Dive Sites

360 at Thetford is named because the reef surounds you in every direction providing a spectacular view as you sit aboard our yacht marvelling at the wonderous blue and green hues of the Great Barrier Reef. There are swim throughs and very large anenomes that host several different species of clown fish. Several large bommies have merged to form canyons and passes that provide great diving memories. One cluster of anenomes has to be seen to be believed.

Milln Reef - The Pinnacles - Our Dive Sites

The Pinnacles at Milln Reef have everything that you are looking for on a great coral reef dive. A reef face that runs from the surface down to about 15 metres hosts a great variety of corals as well as fish species. Running down one side of the dive site are four pinnacles that vary in depth. As you move further away from the reef front the depth increases for each pinnacle providing a different experience as you dive each one. Large schools of humphead parrot fish, several different species of sharks and the resident turtles are common sights. Visibility is generally at least 20 metres.

Thursday 4 September 2008

Algae Blooms

Another event that is important in the life cycle of the marine world are the algae blooms. This photo taken just outside Cape Grafton shows the streams of algae that are taken with the coastal currents along the East Coast of Australia.

New Online Chat Feature

To assist you better with your questions about your travel to the Great Barrier Reef and booking your cruise we have added an online chat feature. This will enable you to have instant answers on the trip, diving, marine life and any other questions that you may have relevant to the trip. And yes once we work out the meaning to life we'll happily answer any questions relating to that also. Simply go to or use the mini window on the right hand side of the blog.

Sunday 31 August 2008

Night Diving on the Great Barrier Reef

Diving at night opens up an entire new perspective on the Great Barrier Reef highlighting different formations and wildlife that are not normally seen during the day. Different fish behaviour and activities are often displayed at night much different to the daylight hours.
Here an inquisitive turtle has followed our divers on their dive. Swimming alongside them for several minutes exploring the reef with them. Thanks to Malcolm one of our guests for this great photo.

Friday 29 August 2008

Discount Airfares to Cairns from the USA

Qantas has just released some great pricing to Cairns from New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles. There is more special pricing from other cities in the US as well. More details can be found on their website.

Places Filling Up Quickly for the End of Year

Come and have some of the great fun and educational experiences our other guests have enjoyed. Limited availability can still be found on our trips from September through to the end of the year. Come and see the reef in a completely different way with only a maximum of 10 guests on-board your snorkelling and diving experience will be unlike any other found on the Great Barrier Reef. Intimate settings and personal touches that make these trips our guests call the highlight of their Australian vacation. Reward yourself and book your escape now.

Guests Join Eye on the Reef Monitoring Program

Guests and keen scuba divers Richard and Laurens from the Netherlands return from a dive as part of the Eye on the Reef monitoring program on-board Coral Sea Dreaming. New Horizon Sail and Dive Adventures has incorporated this successful program run by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority into its' regular educational and tourism program. By actively including travellers from all over the globe New Horizon hopes to raise the awareness and protection of the Great Barrier Reef's fragile ecosystem.

Cleaning Up The Reef

Cheryl our devoted dive instructor is seen here with her budding young diver from France, Arnaud, installing in him the virtues of taking every opportunity to clean up the environment. On this dive finding some fishing line and some bottles. Project Aware is sponsoring the Splash for Trash on the 20th September, with New Horizon being a keen participant organisation. For more details on opportunities to participate please contact us.

Whale Migration and Turtles Mating - What a Great Day To Be Sailing on The Great Barrier Reef

Today our guests were treated to two great events in the marine calendar on the great barrier reef, the whale migration and two turtles mating. The latter event happened just metres from the boat and was a great educational experience for all.

Aussie Dollar Falling

With the Australian Dollar continuing to fall against most major currencies Australian travel is again becoming affordable. Dramatic falls against the US Dollar, Great Britain's Pound and the Euro over the last few weeks have brought the dollar back to levels of almost a year ago. Take advantage of the drop now.

Whales Surprising Divers

Our divers where shocked as they prepared to descend down the mooring line and two humpback whales surfaced about 20 metres from them. This time I have "borrowed" Cheryl's camera while she was in the water to take these shots as the whales swam merrily past on their annual migration north.

Beautiful Islands Around Cairns

When the winds and seas pick up as they sometimes do, we have the chance to appreciate some of the reefs and beaches that surrounds the islands off Cairns. Our guests today enjoying a private charter made our yacht their own and enjoyed the beauty of the tropical north at their own pace.

Some More Great Guest Photos

Our guests often send us photos of the scenic reef and fish life that they have captured on their adventure. Avid divers Jo and Mike from Tri State Safaris were recent guests on our trips and here are some of the photos that they took on the trip.

The Learning Experience on the Reef

With perfect conditions on the Great Barrier Reef it was a great day to be introduced to the sport of diving. These pictures show our divers returning to the boat in about 10 metres of water. This time Cheryl our novice photographer is on her day job and taking an introductory diver for his first dive. Fantastic visibility and 24 degree water temperatures make these conditions unbeatable.

Great Barrier Reef Exposed

With the low tides we are seeing at the moment, the reef is being seen in a completely different light. These photos show the great expanse of the reef this one stretching about 3 kilometres at its widest point. With this just one reef of 2900 reefs that stretch 2300 kilometers down the Queensland coastline, you can just imagine the enormity of this world wonder. Without getting your feet wet your can appreciate the beauty of the reef. Again our budding photographer and dive instructor has taken these great pictures.

Whale Season in Full Swing

Humpback whales are everywhere again as the the migration is in full swing. Large pods of whales have been seen lots of breaching, waving as well as other antics. Guests and crew alike are always amazed at these creatures athletic ability and grace they show. This is truly is an amazing sight that has to be seen to be appreciated.

Awesome Water Spout

One of our guests Jose took this great photo of the water spout with Santa Maria sitting in the foreground.
Our dive instructor Cheryl took this photo of an awesome water spout this weekend. A great natural effect seen with a passing storm.

Great Times on the Great Barrier Reef

Another fantastic few days on the Great Barrier Reef, sailing, diving and snorkelling. There is nothing like diving on the reef with just a few people and having a dive site to yourself. Today we were graced with beautiful weather and as usual the fantastic colours of the fish and reef under the tropical sun. We finished the trip with a wonderful sail home with Coral Sea Dreaming maintaining a consistent 8 knots under sail. No engines just the sound of the waves and wind filling the sails.

Coral Sea Dreaming Returns to Sea

Coral Sea Dreaming is back in the water after her annual planned maintenance including several weeks of painting and refurbishment. She is looking good for the work and ready for another fun season of sailing and diving. Be sure to book now and not miss out on the great times and the exclusive setting aboard this great yacht.

Air New Zealand Announces New Flights to Cairns

Air New Zealand is increasing the number of direct flights to Cairns. This is great news reducing the number of lay overs that you have to take to get to Cairns. The increase will be from New Zealand, USA, Canada as well as Asia. The full report is located at the Cairns Post.

Don't Miss The Boat

Over the last few weeks we have had quite a few people miss out on the trip they wanted because they delayed in booking. This being the start of the peak season this starts to happen more and more often. Trips and availability change rapidly at this time of the year so a quick call or email to secure your spot may save you hours of grief as you need to rearrange dates or miss out completely. You may even have to settle for a trip that may not be your first choice. This is your vacation so we want you to relax and have a stress free time. So Book early and we hope to see you in the coming months.

One Month to Go in the Photo Competition

Only one month to go with the Reefcheck photo competition so get your entries in quickly. With the judges nixing my idea of a special category for algae in this years competition, I am all out of ideas for something different. So get your creative juices flowing and send in your entries. Algae the grass of the sea, very underrated and very much an integral part of the ecosystem. Keep the pressure up for an algae category in 2009!

Supporting Research on the Great Barrier Reef

New Horizon, like many good operators on the Great Barrier Reef work hand in hand with the academic community, federal and state governments, charities, as well standards bodies to ensure that the Great Barrier Reef will be there for generations to come. The more we learn about the reef the more we are able to minimize the human impact. Before you book your trip make sure you are doing your bit and supporting operators that support the ecosystem they are part of. I have listed several of them below for quick reference.
There are several government programs that encourage and develop a working partnership between tourism, researchers and government bodies that continually gather information and monitor the health of one of the world's most precious resources. The highest profile program is the "Eye on the Reef" ( program which incorporates several different facets of reef monitoring. This program is run and sponsored by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) from Townsville and incorporates many tourism operators throughout the Barrier Reef.
Reef Check ( regular inspections and colony counts to track and monitor the growth of existing reef as well as new. This active research is designed to understand the recovery and growth that reef undertakes given the impacts that they suffer including human and natural. Donations to support the research are always welcome and can made online here. They are also looking for supporters to donate time and resources to help cover as much as the Great Barrier Reef as possible.
The Australian Marine Conversation Society organizes campaigns to create protected marine areas and species throughout Australia. Their current focus evolves around climate change, marine parks and overfishing.

Great Weather in Cairns

Traditionally the tourist season slows down after Easter and picks up again in July. This seems such a shame as many people miss the best time of the year. We have had great conditions both in town and out on the reef. The wind continues to behave itself giving us fantastic conditions again this week. If you want to enjoy Cairns in the slower time of the year I suggest you head on down in the off season and get to experience North Queensland in the quieter times.

The Real Shark Experience

Many of our guests get to experience swimming with a shark up close and immediately they see the myths around sharks are exactly that, myths. These encounters are often the highlight of the trip for people that only a few days before were terrified to share the water with a shark.
Shark Water is about to be released in Australia on May 15th. It is a great documentary and well worth a trip to the theatre. If you are interested is showing your support there are many shark support organizations listed the movies' website.
The timing of the release of the movie is perfect considering that there is a current push to legitimize the fishing and finning of sharks on the Great Barrier Reef. You can voice your objection via AMCS at their website .

Dolphins Everywhere

This has been a great year for dolphins with almost every trip encountering dolphins on multiple occasions. Whether they are playing riding the bow or circling the boat and launching themselves across the waves they are a treat to watch and a sight we never tire of.

Our Guests Say