Thursday 20 November 2008

Reefcheck Australia's First Annual Report

An Extract from The Latest Reefcheck Update


We are very excited to present our first ever Annual Report which showcases all of Reef Check Australia’s amazing achievements over the last year. These were all accomplished on a very small budget and would not have been possible without the support of all our members and supporters. Thank you!


If you are looking for ways to get involved and support Reef Check Australia please go to

Monday 17 November 2008

Latest Customer Satisfaction Scores

A big thanks goes out to our crew and guests as we have just received our latest passenger customer satisfaction survey results. Below is a summary of the main points of the surveys.

Satisfaction score: 9.10 / 10
Reef met expectations: 85.7% very much
Trip met expectations: 85.7% very much
Received value for money: 100% yes
Would recommend the trip: 95.2% yes

This research is independently conducted by James Cook University by Bruce Prideaux and Ali Coghlan and the full body of work can be found on the MTSRF website. Once again thanks to our great staff and the research team at JCU for their hard work.

Saturday 15 November 2008

Discount Flights to Cairns

Jetstar has got some more deals to Cairns on sale for the next few days. For full details please check their website. With the fantastic weather we have been enjoying it is a great time to take a break and enjoy the beautiful tropics and Great Barrier Reef.
Brisbane - Cairns $79
Melbourne (Tullamarine) - Cairns $129
Perth - Cairns (1st flight 06feb09) $149
Sydney - Cairns $109

Saturday 1 November 2008

More Great Guest Photos

Today we were joined by the Dartois family from Grosbois en Montagne, France. Jean-Paul took these great photos of the reef, fish and his children enjoying the warm waters of the Great Barrier Reef.

A Taste of Australia

Of course every trip to a different country must include trying the local food. Here our guests and honeymooners Laurianne and Alexandre sample Vegemite sandwiches and sausage rolls on-board Santa Maria.

Our Guests Say