Thursday 1 January 2009

Thanks for a Great 2008

We at New Horizon Sail & Dive would like to thank our guests, agents and crew for a great year in 2008. This year we have had some fantastic weather and seen some great things throughout the year. Some of the highlights although there are too many to mention here are;
  • The increased sightings of whales each year with this year proving the point again.
  • Turtles are a great experience in their natural state, and this year we spotted 15 turtles of all different sizes behind a reef face, an occurrence rarely seen away from nesting areas.
  • The turtle mating season was exciting with several different instances of mating being witnessed directly from the boat.
  • Dolphins like to join us on the bow when sailing and this year our guides varied in numbers and species, as well as exciting us with some new tricks.
  • Refit for both boats with Santa Maria getting a major overhaul and Coral Sea Dreaming enjoying some time on the drydock also.
  • The sunrises and sunsets the start and end the day in such a glorious way.
  • We must extend a great thanks to our crew for there hard work and our guests for our fantastic customer satisfaction scores that they consistently earn.
  • A special mention goes out to our friendly housemates on the Great Barrier Reef who keep our jobs fresh and entertain all of us.
  • To all the guests that continue to send in photos of their great experiences.
  • Our new features on the website including instant chat, updated online bookings and of course "The Blog" were a big hit.
Thanks again for a great year in 2008 and we hope to see you all again in 2009.

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