Tuesday 7 April 2009


Date: Wednesday 8th April from 9 am to 5 pm
Venue: Cairns Pacific Hotel on the Esplanade

Time - Subject Department - Remarks/Presenter
0900 to 1100 - National Landscapes - GBRMPA - Chris Briggs
1100 to 1130 - Research Update - RRRC - Sheriden Morris
1130 to 1230 - GBR Rescue Plan - Dept of Environment - TBA
1230 to 1300 - Marine Sewage - MSQ - TBA
1300 to 1330 - Lunch
1330 to 1400 - Tinny to Tanker - AMSA - TBA
1400 to 1700 - National Approach - AMSA - TBA

Tea and coffee will be available throughout the day. Lunch is at your own convenience.

The objective of the Australian Marine Park Tourism Operators Industry Training Day is to allow government and other agencies the opportunity to address the industry on one day rather than having to attend different meetings week after week. We encourage maximum involvement and attendance. All members of the Cairns marine industry are welcome.

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