Tuesday 5 May 2009

The Best Time to Visit the Great Barrier Reef?

That is probably the most common question that people ask when planning your trip to Australia. The question is the same but the answer is different for everybody and we all have our personal preferences. Well there is always something going on, on the reef and around Cairns. Below are some of the key dates of events on the Great Barrier Reef out of Cairns and surrounds and I'll l let you choose what suits you best.

Reef Events
Whale Migrations - June to December
Turtle Mating - October to February
Reef Spawning - Early November, a night time event, six days after the full moon.
Wet Season - December to March, Fantastic Waterfalls and afternoon monsoon rains.
Fish Spawning - October to December

Major Cairns Events
Cairns Blues Festival - First Weekend of May
A Taste of Port - Arts and Wine - Last couple of weeks in May
The Cairns Show - July
Festival Cairns - End of August to the beginning of September
The Cairns Amateurs (Horseracing) - Second Saturday in September
Cairns Music Festival - December - Specific 2009 Date TBA

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